UVEX is a new NASA medium class Explorer mission designed to perform wide-field imaging and spectroscopy in the near- and far-ultraviolet (UV) bands. Over two years (starting in ~2030), it will provide a deep, multi-cadence, synoptic all-sky UV survey, cadenced surveys of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, and spectroscopic followup of large samples of stars and galaxies.

UVEX timeline (Kulkarni et al., 2021)


Reaching a depth of m>25 over two years, UVEX all-sky survey will be nearly 100 times deeper than GALEX and will be an essential complement to optical and near-infrared missions such as Rubin, Euclid and Roman observatories. More details are given in the UVEX white paper.

Planned UVEX surveys (Kulkarni et al., 2021)



UVEX employs two co-aligned wide-field imagers operating in the FUV (1390-1900 A) and NUV (2030-2700 A) and provides a wide 3.5x3.5 degree field-of-view with a PSF of ~2.25''. Its powerful broadband medium resolution spectrometer consists of a 2-degree long-slit reaching a resolution of R>1000 in the 1150-2650 A wavelength range.